There are no impossible
things for us.

We successfully deliver goods to all places on Earth.
Our mission is to ensure the safe, fast, and efficient transport of your cargo.

Discover what TSL stands for.

Thanks to us, your goods will reach any place in the world. All our efforts are focused on ensuring maximum speed, safety, and optimization of transportation processes.

Freight forwarding

Safe and timely deliveries through professional freight forwarding services.

Together, we create a better future.

About the company

Green Dragon Group is a transportation and freight forwarding company based in Poland, Biała Podlaska, established in 2021. Our services include road, air, sea, and rail transportation, as well as customs clearance and consultancy. With our modern fleet and innovative solutions, we are capable of delivering goods to any location worldwide.

Safe and timely transportation!

Our fleet

Customer satisfaction guaranteed!

Professional team

We adapt to your needs!

Partnership with clients


Nasz wykwalifikowany zespół

Nasz zespół to doświadczeni i wykwalifikowani specjaliści, którzy zawsze z indywidualnym podejściem do potrzeb klienta, gwarantują usługi najwyższej jakości. W Green Dragon Group kładziemy nacisk na innowacje i rozwój, aby sprostać wymaganiom dynamicznie zmieniającego się rynku transportowego.

Daniel Buksiński


Daniel Buksiński


Daniel Buksiński



They have trusted us.

We take pride in the trust placed in us by our clients, both individuals and businesses. Through our professional transportation and freight forwarding services, we have built long-term relationships based on trust and high-quality service. Join our satisfied client base and experience why trusting us is worth it!

Are you interested in our services?

Please fill out the short form, which will allow us to assess your needs and tailor an optimal offer for you.

Company information

Green Dragon Group Sp. z. o. o.

NIP: 5372661410
REGON: 520147976
KRS: 0001004550
IBAN: PL40 1020 1260 0000 0002 0206 7619

Address: Poland, Janowska 59/5, 21-500 Biała Podlaska
Phone number +48 518 556 999

Contact us

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